lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

diferencias de he is and you are

what is the teacher doing?                                                what am I doing?

1. he is writing                                                               you are writing

2. he is eating                                                                 you are eating

3. he is drinking coffee                                                   you are drinking coffee

4. he is whatching t.v.                                                     you are watching t.v.

5. he is shopping                                                            you are shopping

6. he is washing clothes                                                  you are washing clothes

7. he is coooking breakfast                                             you are cooking breakfast

8. he is playing                                                               you are playing

9. he is playing the piano                                                you are playing the piano

10. he is riding a bike.                                                    you are riding a bike.

1 comentarios:

Jose Arturo dijo...

la diferencia en cuando hay que utilizar he is and you are

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